Tim Flach
Portrait Tim Flach (Biography)

Tim Flach is recognized internationally for his highly conceptual images of animals. His recently published book Equus (Abrams, 2008) is both critically-acclaimed and an international bestseller. His body of work was one of the key studies in the seminal book Thinking With Animals: New Perspectives On Anthropomorphism (Columbia University Press, 2006). His second book, “Dogs-Gods”, which investigates the oldest human-animal friendship, was published by PQ Blackwell in 2010.


Following the success of his first two books Equus and Dogs:Gods, a major monograph was published on his work in 2012. It features original photography that delves into the major questions and issues around our perception of and relations with animals.


Tim Flach was born in London in 1958, where he works and lives with his wife and their son. He graduated from Communications Design at the North East London Polytechnic (1977–1980) and then Photography and Painted Structures at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (1982–1983).


His anthropomorphic images of animals have been shown in galleries, museums and festivals worldwide, including Chevaux du Monde festival in Compiègne, Edinburgh Science Festival, Le Bestiaire imaginaire, Palais Lumière in Evian, Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft; Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum; The Houston Museum of Natural Science;  Asprey, London; the Shanghai International Art Photography Biennale; and IPG Gallery. His works are in the permanent collections at Citadel, Berlin, Germany, National Horseracing Museum, Newmarket, England  and Federation Equestre Internationale, Lausanne, Switzerland.


Past Exhibitions




International Tashkent Photo Biennial, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Equus at L'Abbaye de L'Epau, 
Normandy, France
Kyotographie International Photography Festival, Kyoto, Japan


Opiom Gallery, Opio, France, 
More Than Human II, Osbourne Samuel Gallery, London, England


International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China
Equus II, Chevaux du Monde festival, Compiègne, France
Dogs Gods, Lucy Bell Fine Arts, St Leonards, England
Dogs Gods, Dubinsky Fine Arts, Zurich, Switzerland
Dogs Gods, Bailly Contemporain, Paris, France
Dogs Gods, Fotoloft Gallery, Moscow, Russia



Dogs Gods, Osborne Samuel Gallery, London, England
Dogs Gods, Lydmar Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden
Equus II, Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, Kentucky, USA


Equus II, Osborne Samuel Gallery, London, England
Equus II, Asprey, London, England
Equus II, Fotomässan, Gothenburg, Sweden
Equus II, IPG Gallery, Battle, England 
Equus , Camora  dos Azuis, Lisborn, Portugal 


Equus II, Crane Kalman, Brighton, England
Equus II, Artspace Galleries, London,  England


Equus, Crane Kalman, Brighton, England
Federation Equestrian International (FEI) Charity, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Wafi Mall, Al Noor, Dubai, UAE


Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas, USA


Found in Britain, Kornschütte Luzern


Präsentationen in der Ausstellung 'Wasserfälle', Düsseldorf


Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Germany
Citadel, Permanent, Berlin, Germany 


KO University, Tokyo, Japan


Group Shows




Edinburgh Science Festival, Into the Deep, Scotland
Fine Form: the Horse in Art, Cheltenham, England


Le Bestiaire imaginaire, Palais Lumière, Evian, France


Le Bestiaire imaginaire, Baudoin Lebon, Paris, France


Permanent Collections


Citadel, Berlin, Germany
National Horseracing Museum, Newmarket, England
Federation Equestre Internationale, Lausanne, Switzerland
